I don't even know how RTH works to be honest. Is it entirely self contained in the drone, or is it in the RC-N3 or a bit of both, because a phone has agprs I believe, so can't see why it would not work if it just sends the info to the drone.probably not because range and height ,are severely restricted ,when it is being flown with just the phone
I don't even know how RTH works to be honest. Is it entirely self contained in the drone, or is it in the RC-N3 or a bit of both, because a phone has agprs I believe, so can't see why it would not work if it just sends the info to the drone.
So why does it not work when using the phone as a controller ?RTH is entirely an autonomous feature of the drone itself that will work even if there's no connection to the RC.
The Neo does have RTH when flying with the RC2 or RC-N1/2/3. In fact it functions like any other DJI drone.
I see, so it is entirely doable it's just that they have not bothered. I think they should. It would be a good safety feature IMO.@Umpa because with just a phone attached, the way the display is shown on the phone screen, does not at this time have a way to initiate RTH manually
it is a dumbed down version ,perhaps in time DJI will add this to the display ,using just the phone, is mainly for changing some of the AUTO flight features ,and is not intended for serious contol of the drone like a proper RC is capable of
I see, so it is entirely doable it's just that they have not bothered. I think they should. It would be a good safety feature IMO.
To be honest, you have lost me. My logic says if you don't need a RC connection to have RTH, then there is nothing stopping the Neo from having it with a mobile phone. Your probably right, but none of your arguments suggest a hardware limitation. So could be done.Entirely doable? Well...
RTH operational parameters make it trying to fit a gallon of water in a quart container.
The limited range and height mean that most of the time RTH would simply land in place rather than return anywhere. Also, RTH needs to ascend to a height that will clear obstacles, typically 100-200ft. In wifi phone mode, it's limited to what, 30ft?
Because of control limitations using the phone and wifi, RTH is basically incompatible.
I dont think you understand what I mean. When I say I dont know how it works, I do not mean I don't understand what or why it does what it does - I mean I don't understand the technology that makes it happen. Explain to me, what difference having a RC does with regard to the RTH system as that is the bit I am struggling with, because as soon as it is out of range RTH is triggered - this could also be coded the same with a lost wifi signal, and a pre defined height programmed too all from the phone. What you have said so far is not a limitation of the hardware from what I can see - only a limitation of softwareYour logic is perhaps operating on scant knowledge. How familiar are you with the DJI RTH feature? The things I said would be very familiar if you were well versed in the feature.
To explain one issue mentioned above, RTH height. Since the drone is flying autonomously in a straight line back to the home point, with no obstacle avoidance, the RTH height must be set high enough to clear obstacles like trees and buildings.
However because of the range limitations of wifi, DJI limits height in this mode to ensure a connection and control. This is required by the FAA. As a pilot, you are required to maintain control of the drone at all times. DJI limits height in wifi mode to ensure this.
You can't set RTH high enough, therefore, to reliably clear obstacles.
That's just one issue, among several, that break the RTH feature in this scenario.
Yeah they might not do it, I have seen videos where people piloted it with the phone, to the max distance and it lost connection and just landed, RTH would be a nice thing to add if it is possible. It might not be possible but no one has yet come up with a reason why it is technically not possible.Heres the take from my point of view
The Neo is a standalone device, it was built to be used with the intention of palm take off, the app is merely a way to set the various parameters of the AI modes, circle follow etc.
From this i draw the conclusion that a RTH feature would never be needed as it will always be within site when these modes are used and will return to the home/start point when finished.
The app is a stunted piece of work as it doesnt need to do anymore than the above unlike the Fly app.
DJI at some point decided that people would want to fly it further away so added the ability to use the full Fly app and an RC unit and with that the RTH is available.
Will DJI ever add RTH to the stunted wifi app, probably not as there isnt a need with the limited range of the wifi signal (50M) however i do agree that some kind of safety feature does need adding but if you add RTH to the wifi app then you need to add the ability to set the height of RTH so thats another functionality to be coded and added.
I tend to think that DJI dont think as we the users do and decide that their isnt a need so dont do things,
Just my thoughts
You set that in the DJI Fly app - why are you so hung up on 30M ? That is simply a limit they have put on the mobile only app because of its limited range with wifi - it would not be restricted in a RTH situation it would just be like any other RTH situation. Perhaps when the drone gets near it could reconnect and you could take over? Do you get it now ?@Umpa, I'm doing a poor job of explaining this, so let's try a different approach.
With height limited to 30m, what return height would you set RTH to to ensure it clear any possible buildings, trees, transmitter towers, etc., that may be in the way?
This is the biggest problem.
You set that in the DJI Fly app - why are you so hung up on 30M ?
His point is that control through the app being limited to 30m doesn't in any way mean RTH would need to be limited to that too.You may disagree that 30m is insufficient for reliable RTH. I happen to agree with DJI.