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Poor low-light performance of vps camera

Been flying in my flat tonight, room lit with just one 10W LED bulb and it's happy until I get into shaded areas or over dark stuff. I don't really mind the switch to the more sensitive ATTI since that gives you ample authority to correct drift that may not be expected. Could likely be tamed down via parameter edits but I don't think it makes much sense.

Tape over the bottom camera (not the IR sensors!) and train yourself in ATTI and it should get pretty natural relatively quickly. You won't be able to go above 2m height unless you change "limit_height_rel_by_light" but that should be enough for indoor training.

Unfortunately the usual tweak for turning one of the controller positions to ATTI doesn't seem to work. I still think the lack of manually selectable ATTI mode on consumer DJI aircraft is detrimental since not being able to train for what's going to happen when sensors are unavailable is bound to cause crashes.
Actually instead of parameter edits you can tape the camera and IR receiver (aircraft right side) or use black tape... if the tape doesn't absorb IR and both are covered the light can go across and make the aircraft think it's on the ground and then it's really weird / risks motor cutoff in flight.

You might be able to force disable GPS with "g_config.gps_cfg.gps_enable", if it works with both of those you'd be sure to be in ATTI. Can't confirm since I don't have GPS indoors and it's raining, but it worked on previous models (not to defeat NFZs though).

You need one of the stick remote setups for that, the phone app will just force landing on you.
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I flew yesterday indoors and this got even worse. Not only drifting all over, but descending without imput.
I flew yesterday indoors and this got even worse. Not only drifting all over, but descending without imput.
Yeah, did the same thing when I tried
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