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Neo Noise


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2024
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Saw some disagreement on another forum as to whether the Neo is noisier than other small drones. One chap claiming it wasn't

I beg to differ!! Recorded just now - Mini 3 Pro vs Neo. Sorry about the beeping during the Pro section - controller warning!

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Not a good comparison to be honest.

One is idling on a table and the NEO is airborne under load.

I do agree that the NEO is higher pitched and my ears are ringing with mild tendonitis after watching the clip. 🤫

Thanks for sharing the clip pauljmuk as this was helpful about the noise. 👍

It may deter those that are sensitive to sound, like me


Because I didn't want to launch the pro indoors. Trust me though - the top of that wooden table is really resonant - it's actually LOUDER on the table than it is in the air.. The Pro is whisper quiet in comparison.

I can make another video tomorrow outdoors - you'll see the same difference.
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Probably true and I believe you but you gotta make the right video; the one you posted first is obviously not a fair comparison. Would love to see your updated video. One of the biggest things I can't stand about Avata 1 is that high pitch noise which is why I've started playing music thru headphones.
Probably true and I believe you but you gotta make the right video; the one you posted first is obviously not a fair comparison. Would love to see your updated video. One of the biggest things I can't stand about Avata 1 is that high pitch noise which is why I've started playing music thru headphones.
If I get time tomorrow I will
I agree that is seems to be the pitch. However, this seems to be the case with most woops
when DJI gave us the MINI 3 pro and the 4 that came after it ,they completely changed the sound of such small drones
and its anoyance to other people, and wildlife, and domestic animals ,everyone i have ever had an interaction with,
both my Mini 3 pro and now Mini 4 pro ,have said they cant believe how quiet it sounds during flight
Thanks for the comparison video. Whether or not the testing conditions are exactly the same really makes no difference in this case because there is such a drastic difference in the pitch of the two drones.

The NEO's ability to track the path of the operator had me out testing my Mini 3 Pro on a trail today. It was so quiet I could barely hear it. For me I am interested in the NEO for its tracking features but the noise is a concern.

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FYI, what many people don't know, is that the pitch is related to both the rotation speed, and the number of blades. This is why the 3 blade neo has a higher pitch than the 2 blade mini 4 pro, and the 4 blade Avata has an even higher pitch.

The rotation speed of the prop is directly related to the length of the blades, so the neo props need to spin faster than the props on the mini four pro.
FYI, what many people don't know, is that the pitch is related to both the rotation speed, and the number of blades. This is why the 3 blade neo has a higher pitch than the 2 blade mini 4 pro, and the 4 blade Avata has an even higher pitch.

The rotation speed of the prop is directly related to the length of the blades, so the neo props need to spin faster than the props on the mini four pro.
I understand that but it doesn’t change the fact that there is a huge difference in noise which for me may make the NEO unsuitable for the purposes I am interested in it for.

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I understand that but it doesn’t change the fact that there is a huge difference in noise which for me may make the NEO unsuitable for the purposes I am interested in it for.

I understand, Chris. I'm not arguing with you.

I'm simply trying to help anyone reading understand why it's so high pitched and loud.

The design changes necessary to make it quieter make the tiny form-factor impossible. To achieve the necessary lift with quieter props you have to go to shallower pitched, fewer, and longer blades.

So yeah, it's loud, and a high-pitched whine. Neither DJI nor Master Screw can do much about it without lengthening the moment arm out to each motor. Can there be a quieter prop engineered? Surely, but probably not enough of a difference to make anyone buy them.

The only way to really cut down the noise is go with a turbine-style rotor with, like 20 blades, a more powerful motor to spin it, resulting in a 200g drone and 4 minute flight times. Oh, and a $300 price tag, US.

Engineering ain't magic. Wish it were. Rather, it's about tradeoffs. 😁
I agree completely @Droning on and on... and I didn’t think you were arguing with me. I appreciate the info you are giving. It will help me decide whether the NEO is a drone for me.

I agree completely @Droning on and on... and I didn’t think you were arguing with me. I appreciate the info you are giving. It will help me decide whether the NEO is a drone for me.


Cool 👍🏻

And you're right, it very well may not work for your application. If noise is a concern, you're pretty much ruling out any whoop-style drone. They all sound like an angry cloud of Giant Jurassic Gnats. 😆

By the same token, no one's pulling out their Mini 4 Pro at the local FPV racing league, even though you can fly it FPV...
for me its not noise itself that is being compared ,but pitch
no matter what comparison tests are attempted ,the faster spinning props of the Neo are always going to sound different to those of the Mini
True and agreed - my daughter is very sensitive to sound and she can't bear the whine when close
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I had the noise meter out yesterday and tested the neo against the avata 2. Volume wise, they were similar. But as most of you know, its the pitch that makes sound stand out and be either more or less annoying.

Many years ago when was in the RAAF, the Macchi jets at our squadron were replaced with PC9 which were equipped with PT6A turbo props. There would be no argument that the Rolls Royce Vipers in the Macchis were significantly louder.
When operating on a military flight line, we had hearing checks every year to keep a check on our hearing loss. All of a sudden everyone started suffering hearing loss when working with the PC9’s. It wasnt the volume, but the pitch of this engine that was penetrating our hearing protection. The whole squadron was required to get upgraded hearing protection to account for this.

Im seeing a similar thing with the neo. It isnt louder, but that high pitch is certainly more annoying and travels further than our bigger lower pitched craft
I agree completely @Droning on and on... and I didn’t think you were arguing with me. I appreciate the info you are giving. It will help me decide whether the NEO is a drone for me.

What is going to be your main use. i see you have been keeping a close watch on all the comments here. Good work.👍
I might be able to give specific advice that may help a bit more?
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I agree completely @Droning on and on... and I didn’t think you were arguing with me. I appreciate the info you are giving. It will help me decide whether the NEO is a drone for me.

Why not just buy a Neo solo pack on Amazon? You can return no problem if you don't like - or sell for little loss on ebay. That costs you maybe 30 bucks right now
What is going to be your main use. i see you have been keeping a close watch on all the comments here. Good work.👍
I might be able to give specific advice that may help a bit more?
My primary use would be to document/record walks or in winter skiing through trails in the bush that I often use to get to flying locations and not have to worry about carting a controller around. Also walks with my family along bush trails would be handy as well. The wide FOV (equivalent to 14mm) is appealing to me for this purpose.

The noise the drone makes is a big concern as I don’t want to disturb other users of the trails who may be there because they want a quiet peaceful walk in the woods. Most of the time however, I am by myself.

I am currently experimenting with my Mini 3 pro Active track set to bypass for this purpose to see if it would be more suitable, however the completely enclosed props of the NEO and the ability to just use my iPhone instead of having a bulky controller would make me more likely to use it.

Although not a primary use, trying out FPV for the first time is also on my radar, but the current high cost of accessories needed is ruling that out.

Any advice you have would be greatly appreciated.

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Why not just buy a Neo solo pack on Amazon? You can return no problem if you don't like - or sell for little loss on ebay. That costs you maybe 30 bucks right now
I am considering that but I’d rather figure out first whether or not the NEO is for me so I don’t have to go through the hassle of returning it and paying for return shipping.

There are other options like Best Buy but then I’d have a restocking fee to pay.

If I do my research then I won’t have this problem.


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