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Neo Noise

One other consideration I have, is flying in sub-zero temperatures. Using a controller like the RC-N3 with my iPhone would not be suitable in most cases since the phone would get too cold and shut down, that's why the phone only setup appeals to me - I can set my parameters and put it in my warm pocket and then take it out when I need to.

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My primary use would be to document/record walks or in winter skiing through trails in the bush that I often use to get to flying locations and not have to worry about carting a controller around. Also walks with my family along bush trails would be handy as well. The wide FOV (equivalent to 14mm) is appealing to me for this purpose.

The noise the drone makes is a big concern as I don’t want to disturb other users of the trails who may be there because they want a quiet peaceful walk in the woods. Most of the time however, I am by myself.

I am currently experimenting with my Mini 3 pro Active track set to bypass for this purpose to see if it would be more suitable, however the completely enclosed props of the NEO and the ability to just use my iPhone instead of having a bulky controller would make me more likely to use it.

Although not a primary use, trying out FPV for the first time is also on my radar, but the current high cost of accessories needed is ruling that out.

Any advice you have would be greatly appreciated.


Money is always a real consideration, of course.

Setting that aside for the sake of advice, I'd use a Mini 4 Pro for something like this for exactly the reasons you're concerned about: Disturbing the peace and tranquility of the environment.

Also, I'm more confident in the tracking capability and success with full 360 spherical OA, and the M4P has some neat new control features over tracking with the graphical circle control thingy.

And by comparison, what little noise it makes isn't grating.

How to get there? Well, that depends on your wallet, and degree of enthusiasm. Me? I'm no Rockefeller, but being an absolute addicted maniac to this hobby, I usually end up buying them all (sans top-tier Mavics these days, even I can't justify that expenditure when the Air line keeps being so good 😁).

If you're a normal kind of person, you know, the type that prioritizes food and shelter over drones, consider selling your M3P and upgrading to an M4P. In the end the same configuration will net $400-500 out of pocket, about 2x the Neo standalone, but there is so much more you can do with the M4P.

And then still get the Neo anyway 😆😆😆
One other consideration I have, is flying in sub-zero temperatures. Using a controller like the RC-N3 with my iPhone would not be suitable in most cases since the phone would get too cold and shut down, that's why the phone only setup appeals to me - I can set my parameters and put it in my warm pocket and then take it out when I need to.


The need for the controller is an issue, no sense in us here ignoring that important priority you have.

So, spending more of your money, of course the recommendation is the M4P with the RC2 combo. Again if cost is a concern, see if DJI has referbs yet, or try the used market.

In any case, for this sort of application the RC2 with a hinged screen/stick cover so you can throw it in a backpack or small shoulder bag after getting everything set up might be a solution.

Thanks for your comment and advice. While the Mini 4P would be a great drone to have, I already have the Mini 3 Pro. Up until the NEO came out with the ability to just use a phone I really hadn't considered Active track as my primary interest in drones is photography with occasional video, that's why I am interested in the NEO. The only reason I have a Mini 3 Pro is because of the rules in Canada allow me to fly it where I cannot fly my Mavic 3. The main reason for not upgrading to a Mini 4P is that there is no SDK available for it whereas the Mini 3 Pro does have an SDK which allows me to use 3rd party software like Litchi Pilot and Dronelink. I also use my Mini 3 Pro for Light Painting and that requires me to use Litchi Pilot which I can run on my RC Pro.

I just tried my old Tello with cheap goggles in FPV mode and although the feed lagged a lot and was choppy, it was fun being able to fly the drone and see what it sees.

The NEO has three things I am really interested in - tracking that follows my path and not cutting through and around obstacles that I didn't walk through when changing directions (e.g. turns), FPV, if and when low cost alternatives are released, and simplicity (no need to carry a controller with me other than my phone if needed).

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The need for the controller is an issue, no sense in us here ignoring that important priority you have.

So, spending more of your money, of course the recommendation is the M4P with the RC2 combo. Again if cost is a concern, see if DJI has referbs yet, or try the used market.

In any case, for this sort of application the RC2 with a hinged screen/stick cover so you can throw it in a backpack or small shoulder bag after getting everything set up might be a solution.

I do have the RC 1 screened controller which I do use with my Mini 3 Pro. I switch the binding often from the RC to the RC Pro depending on what I am doing with it. I do like the lightness of the RC and the fact that it doesn't have external antennas to fumble with. I also have a similar cover to the one in your photos for the RC.

I am still exploring whether the tracking on the Mini 3 Pro will be suitable for me.

Money is not the big issue for me, having a drone that I don't use much is and having too many accessories to support it is that is why the NEO only package is attractive to me.

Have you thought about the original X1? I expect it to come down into similar price region as soon as the X1 pro arrives.
I don't like their marketing & pricing tricks, but overall the device is reliable and the dev team seem to be focussed on enhancing user experience - where I feel DJI is trapped in a maintenance nightmare which will sow their way forward.
DJI should have released a dedicated simple App for Neo Smartsnap parameterization and phone control, and kept DJI Fly only for controller & FPV.

X1 is also quite loud though. If you want quiet bring the Tello!
Haven’t considered the X1 and don’t really know much about it. Maybe I’ll do a bit more research on it.

My primary use would be to document/record walks or in winter skiing through trails in the bush that I often use to get to flying locations and not have to worry about carting a controller around. Also walks with my family along bush trails would be handy as well. The wide FOV (equivalent to 14mm) is appealing to me for this purpose.

The noise the drone makes is a big concern as I don’t want to disturb other users of the trails who may be there because they want a quiet peaceful walk in the woods. Most of the time however, I am by myself.

I am currently experimenting with my Mini 3 pro Active track set to bypass for this purpose to see if it would be more suitable, however the completely enclosed props of the NEO and the ability to just use my iPhone instead of having a bulky controller would make me more likely to use it.

Although not a primary use, trying out FPV for the first time is also on my radar, but the current high cost of accessories needed is ruling that out.

Any advice you have would be greatly appreciated.

If trying FPV is on your radar get a cheap RadioMaster controller and a Sim and see if it is for you. I LOVE it BUT its a different Animal alltogether from Drones controlled with "Modes" If you enjoy the SIM you will be thrilled with the real thing.!
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Haven’t considered the X1 and don’t really know much about it. Maybe I’ll do a bit more research on it.


The most attractive feature of the X1 is it folds up into a very nicely shaped and sized "brick" that fits easily in your pocket.

The Neo body-slams it in every other respect.
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The most attractive feature of the X1 is it folds up into a very nicely shaped and sized "brick" that fits easily in your pocket.

The Neo body-slams it in every other respect.
Folding is one feature, but currently X1 also has a better tracking algo, is faster during follow, and has more mature software. Neo is still a bit rough and unfinished.
Neo will surely get better over time but right now Neo's directional track can't compete with X1's Dollytrack

YT videos already show a bit of the upcoming X1 app version and it has landscape control mode.

Personally I prefer Neo but for the use cases described (autonomous + phone control) I'd keep the X1 on the watchlist. I guess in 2-3 week when the first X1 Pro units ship the new app will be released and prices for original X1 will start to fall.

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