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Nailed It.

NEO 317

Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2024
Reaction score
Indiana, USA
I was flying the NEO in my yard and a gust of wind pushed it into the side of the garage.

I went to pick it up from the fresh 8" of snow but didn't find it. 🤔

I looked up on the side of the garage and the NEO somehow got hooked on a nail about six feet up.

It was hanging there like a bat.

Absolutely no damage at all.

I guess the NEO didn't want to land / crash in the snow. 🥶

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That’s hilarious!
Amazing "landing". Betcha a dollar you cannot do it again:).

You are fortunate that the Neo's sensitive prop obstruction feature shut down the motor before shearing off the propeller blades or worse. Crashed once in stubbly "grass". Upright. So I tried to start the motors vs. taking a hike looking for it. The stubble prevented motor start up. That was a first. Other non-DJI quads would have fired up and maybe dinging propellers or worse.

My last Neo crash was another embarrassing moment. Flying Manual mode I crash occasionally. This time I got a bit to close to the truck. Just a blur of a very slight glancing blow. Then a tumbling and very chaotic goggle image. Neo was upside down on the driveway. Of course my neighbor who is deer hunting on my property shows up as I'm searching for Neo. Could not find it. Set off the ESC beeper. Beep, beep, beep... from under my truck. Two propellers with missing blades. Based on the scuff marks Neo must have slide to a stop under the truck. I removed the top prop guards on day one to increase flight times and performance. Now I've used up the provided spare propellers and might of dinged a motor from the dust. Life with Neo.
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