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Win a DJI NEO!

I've recently had reason to review the rules in great detail, took over an hour, and it's clear to me that discussing it would violate the rules.
One doesn't have anything to do with the other. If you have violated rules in one forum would NOT disqualify you from potentially winning the NEO on this forum. I'm not sure why you would think that but don't.
I'm going on holiday by motorbike in the next few days. That's why I'm buying the NEO in advance.

If I'm the lucky winner, I'll give it to my daughter. She travels a lot and could give me a lot of joy with various photos. :-)
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I'm going on holiday by motorbike in the next few days. That's why I'm buying the NEO in advance.

If I'm the lucky winner, I'll give it to my daughter. She travels all over the world and could give me a lot of joy by taking various photos. :-)
Greetings from Birmingham Alabama USA, welcome to the forum! We look forward to hearing from you!
I'm going on holiday by motorbike in the next few days. That's why I'm buying the NEO in advance.

If I'm the lucky winner, I'll give it to my daughter. She travels a lot and could give me a lot of joy with various photos. :-)

Hello from the Crossroads of America Pietro.

Welcome to the NEO Forum. :cool:
Hey all! To jumpstart this NEO community we'll be giving away a FREE DJI NEO on October 31!

How to enter? Simply create your NEOpilots.com account and make a post - or multiple posts! We'll randomly pick one post at midnight CST on October 31 among all the posts. The member who posted it will receive a FREE DJI NEO!

To clarify, a post is a reply to the thread or the start of a new thread. Please make sure these are legit posts that drive discussions. If you are "stuffing the ballot box" with no useful content then we won't include it in the drawing.

Don't forget to drop into the Pilot Checkin and introduce yourself for your first entry into the contest!

Good luck!


Thanks for giving the opportunity to get my hands on the Neo

The neo is the bird im planning on introducing the grandson to. So one i could gift him would be amazing. Thanks Clackey for the opportunity
Exactly, Im doing the same with my gransdon!!
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Reactions: elcapitan
Hello there, I am new to these parts! I would love to win a NEO because I have been wanting a small FPV drone for quite some time now. Winning one would be great, since I would like to buy the Goggles 3 and FPV controller 3 for the drone!
And I have a question, will the winner receive a fly more combo or drone only?
Hello there, I am new to these parts! I would love to win a NEO because I have been wanting a small FPV drone for quite some time now. Winning one would be great, since I would like to buy the Goggles 3 and FPV controller 3 for the drone!
And I have a question, will the winner receive a fly more combo or drone only?

Hello again from the Crossroads of America owennewo.

Welcome to the NEO Forum. :cool:
Hey everyone. I'm looking forward to interacting with you all. I'v had a few basic drones before, and ended up with a few crashes (including me chasing a basic drone 400m, many yeara ago, across a field and it crashing into a tennis court... luckily no people about)...

I'm really impressed with the automation features on the neo (so I can avoid me crashing it), plus the ability to control it manually (so I can learn to pilot it). It seems like a good balance for holiday drone shots and learning some basic piloting at home, without the expense of a DJI Mini. This will avoid me spending too much and getting into trouble with my other half over the bill...

I've just ordered the neo fly more combo, so I can use it with remote and have a few batteries to play with.

I shall post pic and video updates after it has arrived. Looking forward to your videos, pics and tips too!

El Capitan
Hi Cassidy and New Drone-Friends!

I'm a looooongtime photographer (ex-pro, but may spark-up a side-hustle pic biz again soon..?), who has been reading-up on drones since the DJI Mini4 Pro introduced.. and waiting for the DJI Mini5 Pro (anyone hearing any release news?)..

And just bought (waiting list) a NEO.. didn't realize how much I was bugging my friends, b/c all have basically said, "good - now you can shut up!"... opps. Also, since I have (I now know) been talking about getting going with drones, it seems EVERYONE I know know wants to borrow my NEO when it arrives.. and that 'loan list' is substantial - seems it is definately going to get crazy! And thus, sure would like to win one -- so have two! 🙃

Looking Forward to Learning and Getting (DJI-)Fired-up Here,
(SF) BayPilotNewbie
Vreau să cumpăr această dronă mică. De când am văzut primele videoclipuri m-am îndrăgostit de ea. Funcțiile inteligente (fără telefon și RC) mă atrag cel mai mult. Sper să-l pot avea cât mai curând posibil.

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