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Jan 15, 2023
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DJI NEO Crash Videos Only!
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I just crashed but the video cut at the moment of impact i was hoping it would show it falling to the ground
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Reactions: GFields and NEO 317
The girl crashed, not the NEO. 😀

Both are pretty tough. :)

They both did lol. Aubrey on the ground and the NEO into the fence :)
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Reactions: sarahb and NEO 317
I noticed that the third time I viewed it and edit the post but you were quicker. 👍
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Reactions: GFields
Crashed my NEO today and broke a prop (no video). I was out on the ice of a frozen lake and had just hand launched and it took off backward at high speed. Didn't have any control. I suspect it was a compass error caused by the magnet in the rechargeable hand warmers that were in my coat pocket but will wait for the experts over at MavicPilots to chime in.

Other than the broken prop, there was a few minor scuffs likely caused when it either hit a post or cement barrier. Probably would have been more damage if I hadn't had the top prop guards on.

I also had a clip on ND filter on. It was still securely attached. Had I had one of those magnetic ones, I am sure it would have been long gone.

Super surprised it wasn't more damaged considering how fast it was going when it crashed. Amazingly tough little drone!!

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Reactions: RcHawks and NEO 317
I'm glad you mention the ND filter as offering protection for the lens. I have a new set that needs to be opened. Prop took a bad hit for sure. It's nice they provide a back up set with the kit.
It's nice they provide a back up set with the kit.

I recently purchased a few batteries for the NEO and at the last minute, I put some extra props in the cart JIC.

Better to have them and not need them than needing them and not having them. :)

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Yah, I will have to get some more spare props for sure.

The experts over at MavicPilots have confirmed it was a compass error likely caused by the magnets in the rechargeable hand warmers. They were in my pocket and my hands were getting cold and in my haste to get the NEO up (hand launched) and my hands warmed up, I didn’t check the orientation on the map which I always do. Lesson learned.

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I'm glad you mention the ND filter as offering protection for the lens. I have a new set that needs to be opened. Prop took a bad hit for sure. It's nice they provide a back up set with the kit.
Yeah, I originally had ordered the magnetic filters from Skyreat but I cancelled due to the reports of the possibility of loosing filters in a crash so I ordered the K&F Concept filters. They are more fiddly to put on and take off and take more time but they stay on. I certainly would have lost a magnetic filter if it was on during the yaw error fly away as the drone took off at high speed and judging by the broken propeller and some scuff marks, it hit hard.

The filter set I have came with a UV filter and I have been getting in the habit of putting it on all the time. I have UV filters on all of my lenses for my two DSLRs that will take them, to protect the lenses. Although I do not use ND filters except in long exposure photography on my other drones, the NEO is different and I often fly it low and through areas with lots of obstacles so it makes sense to have a UV filter on to protect the lens all the time.


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