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Neo flies fast....


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2024
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At least from China to the USA. Took a peak at the shipping history. Order placed on the 7th. Cleared Customs in China on the 9th. Arrived at DLH Cincinnati hub and then to MSP today. Already transferred to DHL contracted delivery service at MSP today. Usually 1-3 days to get from Minneapolis to here.

Decided to place an order for Neo #2. Just incase Neo#1 wonky motor goes out and if someone is really bored in Washington DC and somehow gets the HR anti Dji legislation that passed in the House of Rep into the Senate version of the NDAA during reconciliation. And then there are the potential additional china tariffs.

Unseasonably warm again. We normally experience our coldest daytime high over the 2-3rd week in January. Forecast is for a polar dip to chill us down to unseasonable cold by Monday. Huge oscillations in the jet stream. Like the waves of the jet stream we get waves of day at either extremes. I guess the new normal. So Neo#2 will probably not get a test flight to check it out until the next wave of warm air hits. The good with the extremes is the ice is forming. Forms, contracts, reforms but further out each cycle. Hope to get some Neo stick time flying over the ice if it safe enough to retrieve a downed Neo.
I'm considering grabbing a second just to give me a little more confidence to be more agressive (and therefore more fun) with it.

That's what a price point of $200 can do... not quite a "disposable" drone, but when priced so that you can carry around a "spare", it's knocking on that door.

$550 – two neos, 4 batteries and a charging hub. Not bad...
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Went with the Fly More kit. 6 batteries with two charging hubs. ~7min per battery in Manual mode. One hour sessions are now possible. The limits of my ability to stay very focused when flying manual mode.

Not too many digital quality video bnf quads 2s or larger quads available. DJI 04 Air Unit alone retails for $109. No rumors of the next DJI FPV model. Assuming there is not one. And if similar in size to the flying "potato". Not interested in. Needs to be sub 250gm. Avata2 and my 6s ~500gm are all I need or want in a larger quad.
The good with the extremes is the ice is forming. Forms, contracts, reforms but further out each cycle. Hope to get some Neo stick time flying over the ice if it safe enough to retrieve a downed Neo.
On smaller lakes, you're fine as far as ice goes since it seems like you live around MSP. I was out ice fishing on New Year's Day and had 8 inches of ice on a little ~150 acre lake in western WI.
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A real Lake:). Lake Superior. Past few seasons only ice has been in the coves and bays. Not the safest ice. A week or so ago ice formed to the mouth of the Bay. Within a day or two ice fisherman. Some way too close to the edge. Must of been good fishing? Then it warmed up. Where they were fishing was open water.

Neo#2 is scheduled for delivery on the 16th. Fast DJI delivery from China to here. 4th order from store.dji.com. All have arrived relatively quick. 2-4 days from the CA warehouse. 7-9 days from China.
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I'm considering grabbing a second just to give me a little more confidence to be more agressive (and therefore more fun) with it.

That's what a price point of $200 can do... not quite a "disposable" drone, but when priced so that you can carry around a "spare", it's knocking on that door.

$550 – two neos, 4 batteries and a charging hub. Not bad...
I thought about buying a second one as well. Or, buying one for my granddaughter who loves mine.

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