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Glitchy glitch glitch!


Dec 22, 2024
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A few days ago I was flying my Neo. A tad of wind, but nothing crazy. Suddenly, my neo took off like a bat out of hell. Unresponsive and flying away at full speed.

I was able to control it by switching it to sport mode. It was quite the adrenalin rush.

Then, one week later, it did it again... only this time it did not respond to the sport mode switch and it flew away.

It landed a few blocks away and fortunately I was able to find it... not a ding on it and it flies ok... but I'm losing confidence in getting it up.

If this is a software glitch (which I believe it is), then DJI needs to fix it ASAP!

Here's the video from the second time it happened:

After reviewing a lot of things, the error I got was "max power load reached".
Did a lot of research on this one... and it turned out to be the propellers. I bought those fancy colored ones and they were causing an issue with the drone.
Switched them back to the originals and everything is working fine now. No more errors or alerts so far.
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Take a look at the flight log and see if any warnings popped up during the flight.

Follow the instructions from this site and take a look.

Share the information if you'd like.

Low light / GPS loss would just cause drifting, not complete wackiness like this. Your aircraft is likely defective, contact support with details and get it fixed/replaced.
Low light / GPS loss would just cause drifting, not complete wackiness like this. Your aircraft is likely defective, contact support with details and get it fixed/replaced.
Although it hasn’t happened to me, I have heard of Neos behaving erratically in low light.

For any low light flying, I think the Flip is a better option as it has a better sense of where it is until DJI dials in the firmware on the Neo. The Neo is a nice budget friend option, but it’s easy to run into its limitations quickly.
I have heard of Neos behaving erratically in low light.
Erratically from a flight trajectory/pilot's perspective yes even if it's not actually erratic, but for the camera to go whack there has to be an IMU issue. Roll stabilization is fully electronic so any unusual thing there has to be caused by the aircraft incorrectly sensing its attitude, on which the downward camera and GPS should have no effect.
Didn't view the video. Looks too dark for flying anything but manual mode using the FPV RC3. What controller and what flight mode?

Multiple ytube videos demonstrating the issues with the downward IR/visual sensors. The cover them with tape and try to fly even in a well lighted environment.

A few indoors sessions of Neo flyaways. Always happened if flying N mode with either MC3 or FPV RC3 controllers into deep shadowed areas. Yesterday, one event. Light shadow but flew to close to a very dark and large object that filled the image on the goggle screen. Another accelerate straight into crash. Did a test. Powered up the Neo within ~10cm of the black sling bag. Audible warning about too dark. So now thinking there might be couple issues if flying N or S modes. Not only the downward sensor issue, but maybe the camera's ability to detect anything in too dark environments. Might be all mix into the autonomous mode features. Even though flying with a controller.

Never have an issue in manual mode. Stabilization system is off. Another guess. Fly aways are definitely linked to the stabilization system.
Erratically from a flight trajectory/pilot's perspective yes even if it's not actually erratic, but for the camera to go whack there has to be an IMU issue. Roll stabilization is fully electronic so any unusual thing there has to be caused by the aircraft incorrectly sensing its attitude, on which the downward camera and GPS should have no effect.

I generally agree with this, the only caveat being this new AI component that's doing path following and maybe some forward obstacle avoidance via the camera.

Or it's marketing, and nothing's really there but the ordinary evolution of DJI tracking software.

So I don't actually know, but it's a new component messing with flight control that could be the source of bugs, and wonky behavior.
Erratically from a flight trajectory/pilot's perspective yes even if it's not actually erratic, but for the camera to go whack there has to be an IMU issue. Roll stabilization is fully electronic so any unusual thing there has to be caused by the aircraft incorrectly sensing its attitude, on which the downward camera and GPS should have no effect.
Definitely need to consider the limits of the Neo. We do have to remember it is a sub $200 quad with a digital video system.
Looked at the 04 Pro. By the time you purchase all the components you are spending around $300. The "lite" model complete is $109. Joshua Bardwell's review was interesting regarding the "Lite". Again fine if used within its limited capacity. Bit like the Neo.

Would be interesting to see DJI's long-term plan regarding introducing hardware over the next couple years. The constant battle to increase revenue and larger percentage of the market. Might be some hope for the next gen DJI FPV model. Or maybe those of us just interested in immersive FPV are too small a percentage of drone fliers and have too many other options.
I agree with it being a low light issue
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