I wouldn't trust them.Not at all, just saw them on Temu cheap...
I wouldn't trust them.
I only use OEM parts for all my fleet.
They have an even better understanding of what's best for the BOM cost for a cheap drone; no way around they going to put the best available props for the drone out of the box. It gets the minimum cheapo that works.The design team at DJI have a better understanding of what's best.
Agree, not the "best" props. But functional. And overpriced.They have an even better understanding of what's best for the BOM cost for a cheap drone; no way around they going to put the best available props for the drone out of the box. It gets the minimum cheapo that works.
Well I tried some TEMU Neo props yesterday and flew with no problems at all, in perfect conditions went 890mts and RTH was great too, out again this morning and a bit of wind saw it perform just fine but was fighting the wind at 300mts then got High wind warning so bought it home no problem.Has anyone had any bad experiences with aftermarke blades on their Neo?
Just so we are on the same page, did you have a link for the props on Amazon you can share?Inexpensive option are the GemFan D51s. 4 and 5 blade options. Multiple YTube "reviews" posted since the Neo was released. Speed limited in N and S modes no matter what brand, model propellers you use. IIRC, the difference was at most 1m/sec in S mode. Relative "loudness" differences seem minimal. More of difference in frequency.
None of the reviews viewed were "impressive". Do remember one reviewer noting more "wobble" using the D51s v. stock. Might make sense if the DJI tuning is specific enough for their OME propellers. Just watched a speed comparison video. Manual mode at max throttle. D51s were 3-5kph faster than the OEMs.
Just did a quick google. 4 sets of the D51-4(blade model) at amazon for $12.99. You need to use 1.2 x 6mm mounting bolts. Stock bolts are too short. Might consider after I run out of the stock replacement propellers.
Gale force gusts today. Guessing Neo would fly downwind with a +17m/sec tailwind relatively fast.
I just google gem fan d51. 1st page of search in the "sponsor" header had the amazon offer. 1st page also listed a number of reputable sellers listing single sets in the $3.?? range. Option if you want to use the shorter stock mounting bolts would be the need to drill countersink hole in the prop hub.Just so we are on the same page, did you have a link for the props on Amazon you can share?