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UV or CPL filter


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2024
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Immersive flier, not into video capture. Requirements are good optical quality, light weight, and able to leave on with gimbal guard in place.
Needed to put in another Amazon order. Living in the middle of nowhere I collect a lot of Amazon delivery boxes. Just needed a power strips for the another rack of grow lights used to grow winter season indoors veggie. No Prime so I needed a few more dollars for free shipping. Excuse for probably a needed accessory for the Neo. UV or CPL filter to protect lens from my brainless, sometimes too low manual mode stick "skills". Pushing my luck up to this point.

You see the Freewell brand "testimonials" posted and Ytube videos it seems continuously. Their (I've already forgotten the Name) kit containing just the UV, CPL, and ?mist filter are available at AMZ. Hit add. Free Shipping! Option was a direct from China knock off sold through AMZ, but ~$10 with their shipping fee for a single UV or CPL filter. Freewell brand, 3 filters for ~$20 and free AMZ shipping for the power strip. No brainer?

With either the CPL or UV filter as a backup I'm guarantee not to scratch the lens. It's my system to prevent breaking propeller. I just buy a bunch and then stop breaking propellers. I now have a shoe box size bin full of propellers ranging from 10" down to 2" for quads and fixed wing platforms.

Anyone use this filter set? What is a what I think they call a Mist filter? Assuming it enhances the view in foggy conditions?
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I rarely if ever use filters but if I did I don’t think I would bother with them on the NEO
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Filter is for lens protection to reduce the chance of scratching it. Last crash I broke off one blade on one front and one rear propeller. Got me thinking. Pushing my luck. Watched 3 Ytube videos that demonstrated the robust quality of the Neo. By ?DroneWilder? The crash the Neo head on into first tree, then brick wall, and finally a concrete sea wall at increasing speeds until he reached max manual mode speed. And his kill the motors at 100 meter altitude drop crash. Eventually the little bumpers around the camera lens deformed and he damaged the lens. Relatively well protected gimbal and lens. But like the propeller braking crash. A crash that ended with Neo apparently sliding across the ground. Got me worried about something directly impacting the lens. 4th Neo crash. 2 have been sliders. Couldn't quite save it before running out of altitude. Should have just hit the brake/pause switch or flipped the rocker mode switch from M to N or S.

The drop crash videos were interesting. Neo self leveled on the way down and seem to auto rotate the propellers reducing descent rate and kept the Neo level. No apparent damage landing on grass. He might have had to replace the battery. But the Neo flew as normal. Concrete landing was brutal. IIRC, battery was damaged and one motor appeared damaged. Turns out propeller was just jammed against the bent propeller guards. He cut away or reshaped the guard. New battery. Neo flew fine. Try that with any other quad.

After watching those videos I am now flying a bit too stupid at times.
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Filter is for lens protection to reduce
Filters are used to control the amount of light that hits the sensor. Yes, they may protect the lens, but that is not their purpose. You can replace the lens for around $20 USD
Filters are used to control the amount of light that hits the sensor. Yes, they may protect the lens, but that is not their purpose. You can replace the lens for around $20 USD

Aware of the purpose of filters. Amateur photographer since the early 80's and casual night sky and solar observer. Was unaware of the availability of replacement lens. Source? For what it's worth. Google search resulted in nothing. store.dji.com search result was "nothing found".

The Freewell kit ordered only consisted of the UV, CPL, and mist filters. Using a similar set to protect the Avata2 lens after not being able to find a replacement lens for it.
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Aware of the purpose of filters. Amateur photographer since the early 80's and casual night sky and solar observer. Was unaware of the availability of replacement lens. Source? For what it's worth. Google search resulted in nothing. store.dji.com search result was "nothing found".

The Freewell kit ordered only consisted of the UV, CPL, and mist filters. Using a similar set to protect the Avata2 lens after not being able to find a replacement lens for it.
Like I said, Filters offer protection so if that works for you, great.
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