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ND Filters


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2024
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ON, Canada
I don't usually purchase ND filters for my drones as I take mostly photos with them, but with the NEO I have been doing more videos (tracking shots) and was wondering if they would be effective on the NEO. There seems to be mixed reviews since the NEO does not have great dynamic range, the shutter speed is limited, and ND filters would reduce light for a drone that already struggles in low light.

If I were to purchase ND filters, what brand would you recommend? I do like the idea of magnetic ones that Freewell and others offer, but again there are mixed reviews.

Any help greatly appreciated.

I think for the most part, where I fly the NEO (low level) filters wouldn't be needed
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I'd wait and see if you find the breaking of the 180 rule (SS 2x FR) is visually noticeable in your videos. I haven't noticed it, and generally for me its visually noticable on more action-oriented shots and big-vista cinematic pans.

Find some gross examples online that you can obviously see, and then compare to some of your videos.

I have filters for my camera drones and the Avata 2, use them regularly for video with the cameras, not so often with the Avata 2. I'm not inclined so far to get a set for the Neo.
I think for the most part, where I fly the NEO (low level) filters wouldn't be needed
That’s what I was thinking too. Most of my use so far has been low level tracking. The few times I have went up above the trees is to test how well the NEO can handle wind. I have my other drones to do that kind of flying.

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I'd wait and see if you find the breaking of the 180 rule (SS 2x FR) is visually noticeable in your videos. I haven't noticed it, and generally for me its visually noticable on more action-oriented shots and big-vista cinematic pans.

Find some gross examples online that you can obviously see, and then compare to some of your videos.

I have filters for my camera drones and the Avata 2, use them regularly for video with the cameras, not so often with the Avata 2. I'm not inclined so far to get a set for the Neo.
I was leaning towards not getting filters too as I haven’t noticed that much non cinematic footage probably because most of my footage so far has been tracking shots where the subject is close and not big cinematic pans.

Some YouTube video reviews have however indicated that ND filters reduce the sharpening of the footage similar to how a setting of -2 sharpening (controller) reduces the over sharpened effect, but there doesn’t seem to be a consistent consensus on this.

Yeah, I just don't see that I'll use them much.

For the reasons already stated, but also convenience... While i got a nice, small case, I've been out with it several times with just the drone in a jacket pocket, and this is really nice. So I'm not as likely to be hauling around accessories in most use cases anyway.

If I can't just throw it in my pocket and head out it loses some of it's value for me.
Yeah, I just don't see that I'll use them much.

For the reasons already stated, but also convenience... While i got a nice, small case, I've been out with it several times with just the drone in a jacket pocket, and this is really nice. So I'm not as likely to be hauling around accessories in most use cases anyway.

If I can't just throw it in my pocket and head out it loses some of it's value for me.
I think I'll wait on the ND filters then. The only ND filters I have for my other drones are for special purposes when shooting photos. I have a star filter and ND1000 filter for my Mini 3 Pro. I don't think there will be any specialty filters for the NEO since the shutter speed is limited and images can be noisy in reduced light.

I agree about convenience. I haven't flown NEO yet as drone only but I have a few times with just my phone. If DJI would just add camera settings like sharpness to the phone interface I would be using it much more with the phone.

Eu normalmente não compro filtros ND para meus drones, pois tiro principalmente fotos com eles, mas com o NEO tenho feito mais vídeos (fotografias de rastreamento) e estava pensando se eles seriam eficazes no NEO. Parece haver avaliações mistas, já que o NEO não tem grande alcance dinâmico, a velocidade do obturador é limitada e os filtros ND reduziriam a luz para um drone que já tem dificuldades com pouca luz.

Se eu fosse comprar filtros ND, que marca você recomendaria? Eu gosto da ideia dos magnéticos que a Freewell e outros oferecem, mas, novamente, há avaliações mistas.

Qualquer ajuda será muito apreciada.

Estou usando o Freewell ND32, mas não sou especialista em fotografia ou vídeo, mas tenho gostado do efeito.
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I'm using Freewell ND32, but I'm not an expert in photography or video, but I've liked the effect.
Thanks for your reply. What effect is the ND32 giving you?

White balance and color balance
Since the ND filter reduces the light getting to the sensor are you getting more noise in your images? Are you able to post an image without the filter and then one with the filter shot from relatively the same location?

I have read some reviews where people are saying that the magnetic metal piece that you stick to the camera for filter attachment falls off after a few uses. Have you found this?

I've only recently used it and I'm not an expert in photography or video, so I'm not the best person to give an opinion on it. As for use, I don't remove it, I added ND 32 and haven't changed it since.
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I've only recently used it and I'm not an expert in photography or video, so I'm not the best person to give an opinion on it. As for use, I don't remove it, I added ND 32 and haven't changed it since.
Ok, thanks for your feedback. Much appreciated.


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