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NEO footage with other sources


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2024
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ON, Canada
If you combine NEO 4K footage with say 4K footage from another device or recent drone at the same frame rate, is there a noticeable difference in quality? The reason I ask is because if I were to get a NEO I would likely be combining it with footage from my Mini 3 Pro or Mavic 3 pro.

Some reviews I have watched say NEO footage is more like upscaled 1080p or 2K footage.

I'll let you know when I get mine :)
I might want to purchase before then. I would like to have it to capture the fall colours along trails, something I haven’t done with my other drones. The colours are beginning to change now and I would like to capture the changes up close and the NEO would be great for that.

Chris, I know you're struggling (and wishing, hoping) some way shape or form of using this little bugger can work for your needs. I hope something can be figured out.

Setting all that aside for the sake of discussing video quality, some pretty good results can be had using the camera in manual, according to some YT reviewers. I played the following on a 50" 4K TV, and I have to say the clips in his review looked pretty darn good to my eye. Certainly plenty good to mix with M4P footage.

Take a look. It's YT, so the full-resolution original no doubt looks even better.

Chris, I know you're struggling (and wishing, hoping) some way shape or form of using this little bugger can work for your needs. I hope something can be figured out.

Setting all that aside for the sake of discussing video quality, some pretty good results can be had using the camera in manual, according to some YT reviewers. I played the following on a 50" 4K TV, and I have to say the clips in his review looked pretty darn good to my eye. Certainly plenty good to mix with M4P footage.

Take a look. It's YT, so the full-resolution original no doubt looks even better.

Thanks for your reply. I wouldn't say I'm struggling but am trying to do my research and make a good decision. I know I could order from Amazon.ca and if it was not suitable for me, return it but would rather not have to go through the hassle.

Also, all the mixed messages on the photo/video quality and being able to adjust it is not helping me determine which package to get if I do decide to purchase. Regardless I will likely decide in the next weeks or so because the fall colours will be starting to peak soon in different areas here in Ontario.

I spent hours last night watching videos and reviews and even then I am getting mixed messages.

@Droning on and on... thank you for that S&A video. It was extremely helpful. I had watched their initial video and didn't get much out of it other than they liked the NEO.

I mostly shoot in Pro mode on my other drones and I do have FCP. That video helped me determine that the FMC, which in Canada includes the controller, would be the best option for my uses. I could set up the camera settings to my liking and then put the controller in my backpack and then do a tracking shot with the drone while I walk through the fall colours - something I could live with.

I totally get it, Chris. Here's my logic: If the Neo can be set up to produce results like above, the critics are simply uninformed.

For me, like I said with the right setup it can produce video that I would intermix with M4P (and by implication A3) footage.

I think fixing ISO at 100 with this tiny sensor is one of the most important conditions for good footage. Those tiny pixels don't gather much light, and there's much more noise in shadows at higher ISO.

The other thing that makes a HUGE difference is fixing White Balance (color temperature) so color doesn't change while the scene does, and fixing exposure for the same reason.
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I’ll be curious to see how footage mingles with Action 4 and Pocket 3, both that have D-Log M color profiles, for my YouTube videos once I get my hands on a Neo. The Neo will probably test my editing abilities in post if DJI doesn’t allow modification of autonomous video settings.
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