Ordered from store.dji.com or other authorized seller? The orders I've placed including the Neo kit pre-release from DJI directly have always given an estimated date for shipping/delivery. So far, dates have been within 1-2 days of noted expected delivery.
If you use the Goggles 3 it will be interesting to see if some of the "negatives" of the N3 effect your impressions. Not sure if I could tolerate the slight curving of the image. Wider field of view would be appreciated. Some users of both have noted a lower quality of view. Others claim otherwise, but it could be the New Toy effect. Plus they just spent another +$200 on something they don't really need. Coming from analog almost anything would be an improvement. But, I've been flying with the Goggles3 for the past several months and might have a difficult time with a lower quality of view.