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Maybe a Neo glitch or just a DJI normal


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2024
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Took delivery of Neo#2 yesterday. Arrived 6 days from ordering via DLH and then a contracted "last mile" delivery service from China to the Northwoods.

Got around to activating it and binding it to the Goggles3. Uber slow "high speed" internet up here unless you live in town or pay the $$$s for StarLink. Bit behind in the firmware updates on the hardware. JMHO, no need to update if happy as is. Didn't realize DJI Fly App is up to v16. Another update. So,......later everything was up to date. Linked the new Neo#2 to the G3. No issues. Didn't realize until today or maybe with one of the updates? Goggles3 knows which controller you have turned on. Have been just using the FPV RC3, but today powered up the MC3. It was automatically connected. No need to go into the menu and change controllers. COOL!

Then the "glitch". Shut of Neo#2 and powered on Neo#1. Not connected. DJI Anxiety! Shut it down and powered up the Avata2. No issues. Switched to the FPV RC3. Avata2 and Neo#2 no issues. No go with the Neo#1. Switched back to the MC3. No, still no Neo#1 connection. Shut down the G3 and controllers. Autonomous modes in Neo#1 works. Connects to the iPhone to adjust settings. So the next wasted step. Unbound Neo #1 from my account. Still no go. Rebind to the account. Still no connection to G3. Relinked Neo#1. Everything works. Powered down. Powered up Neo#2. NO CONNECTION.

You would think if linked a quad to a controller it would stay linked. Goggles3 would then connect to which ever Neo was powered up. Bit like the controllers. Either a glitch or just something DJI does not allow. Maybe a safety thing just in case you have both Neos powered on? If so,.....

Even more unhappy with the price of the FPV RC3. Cannot even set and select specific model like every other real Tx. Not a real big issue if normal and not a glitch . Takes only a few moments to relink which ever Neo I plan to fly. Neo#2 is a replacement for when I crash trash Neo#1 to the spare parts bin.

Or maybe I missed something when trying to link a second Neo?
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Maybe a safety thing just in case you have both Neos powered on? If so,.....
This certainly. The different models are completely different "profiles" and each stores the one aircraft it's connected to, but if you have 2 of the same you need to relink every time you swap. it's just pressing 2 buttons, one on the aircraft and one on the goggles, no big deal.
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All the other systems used. Spektrum, Edge/Open Tx, and in the past Futaba, Taranis Txs have allowed identical models to be used without relinking. But you needed to manual select the model wanted unless it was the last used.

Friend who flies a MiniPro 4 and I were a bit concerned if we every fly together what would happen. No way to know for sure outside of switching from auto to manual channel selection to avoid cross interference. Then the question is are channel 1s,2s,3s.... constant between systems. That is, is the specific frequency of his channel 1 the same as my channel 1.

Neo could potentially be a nice one-design class racing drone. Two divisions. Stabilized mode (s mode) and open class(any mode). But not if cross channel interference is a possibility and the low quality IR/visual sensors would eliminate all but Manual mode use. Which would limit group participation. Would have to set up something similar to alpine skiing NASTAR racing and people could submit their results for ranking.
This certainly. The different models are completely different "profiles" and each stores the one aircraft it's connected to, but if you have 2 of the same you need to relink every time you swap. it's just pressing 2 buttons, one on the aircraft and one on the goggles, no big deal.
At least on the DJI Fly App, Profile>Device Management, both Neos show up. If powering up one of the Neos a green icon appears for the specific Neo that is powered on and connected. Can fly one Neo in "selfie" mode and the other with the Goggles3. I guess I can take a "selfie" of me flying Neo #1. Oh yeah:).
The G3 knows which controller is turned on because as of the 3 the MC3 and FPV RC3 connect to the goggles, and it handles all the communication with the drone.

Previous goggles and MC/RC connect directly to the drone. One benefit is it eliminated that T antenna on the FPV RC3, and a charge on the MC3 and RC3 lasts until the heat death of the universe.
You would think if linked a quad to a controller it would stay linked. Goggles3 would then connect to which ever Neo was powered up. Bit like the controllers. Either a glitch or just something DJI does not allow. Maybe a safety thing just in case you have both Neos powered on? If so,.....

Makes sense if you think about more than one linked aircraft powered up at the same time... which one does the goggles connect to?

They get around this with multiple different aircraft requiring switching in the goggles interface. So if set to fly the Neo, and you have both your neo and avata powered up, it will ignore the avata. And vice-versa.

This is, BTW, a huge improvement over the old way. Back when the Avata 1 came out, to switch between the DJI FPV and the Avata you would have to relink, and it was often frustratingly flaky and unsuccessful.

There isn't any reason they couldn't add multiple instances of the same aircraft model in the "switch aircraft" menu, but I can imagine how that could get confusing, and DJI probably just doesn't see enough benefit.
The G3 knows which controller is turned on because as of the 3 the MC3 and FPV RC3 connect to the goggles, and it handles all the communication with the drone.

Previous goggles and MC/RC connect directly to the drone. One benefit is it eliminated that T antenna on the FPV RC3, and a charge on the MC3 and RC3 lasts until the heat death of the universe.
Aware that the G3 is the actual Tx and the controllers are just user input tools. One of the other reasons that the price for the FPV RC3 is a bit on the high side for what it is. On the good side is how long the batteries last in both the RC3 and MC3. Guessing minimal watts need to transmit the inputs for the distance between your hands and head. Unique system that I like. Guessing a number of non-04 users, the Integra, G2 people were more than unhappy needing to purchase additional hardware to fly the Avata2 and now Neo. Newbies to the DJI world like me. Ehhh.... DJI product evolution and increased sales. Life when it comes to tech in general. Still have a "functional" last gen apple eMac. Right now typing on an iMac with the latest OS it is able to handle. Beyond vintage. Do have a M3 mac for real world needs.
Thought hit the old brain. Since now the Goggles3 automatically selects between which linked controller is powered up. Wonder what would happen if you powered on both the MC3 and the FPV RC3. Don't want to potentially mess up anything. No going to try. No purpose but stupid curiosity. Guessing first controller powered up if you first powered up the G3. If so, why not identical model of drones to allow multiple units to be linked simultaneously.

Guessing probably not a common need or want worth investing R&D time and money.
Thought hit the old brain. Since now the Goggles3 automatically selects between which linked controller is powered up. Wonder what would happen if you powered on both the MC3 and the FPV RC3. Don't want to potentially mess up anything. No going to try. No purpose but stupid curiosity. Guessing first controller powered up if you first powered up the G3. If so, why not identical model of drones to allow multiple units to be linked simultaneously.

Guessing probably not a common need or want worth investing R&D time and money.

Absolutely no concern anything can get damaged or messed up. I'm guessing it will randomly connect to one or the other, or not connect at all.

I'll give it a try later today. Having coffee right now.
I've not heard of this personally. Have you contacted DJI?
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