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Don't do this!!!

Droning on and on...

Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2024
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Wanna lose your Neo? Here's a great way!

Besides pushing the battery too far, what else did he do wrong for a flight like this (operationally, not legally)?

The underwear soiling gets really going at 10:40...

For one, he spent way too much time over water. Not much chance of recovery if it goes in the drink. Not really a fan of these endurance type videos. Would much rather watch real world usage and how users incorporate different shots into a video.
Yah, I saw that video a few days ago. He was very lucky.

Nothing is more absurd, than doing range test on photo drones, which normally used close to the operators. But, there are many low IQ youtubers, who want to generate viewers and likes. This is just simply retard. The whole range test mania started with the phantom series and went high when the spark and the mini 1 was available for more people.
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One further mistake he did was flying far too high. As soon as he experienced the difficulties in approaching the coast line (because of strong offshore wind), he should have lowered the altitude to few meters above sea, as the wind is usually more calm there.
At first sight it looks like a dramatic fail that had a happy ending.

* Started at 95%
* kept prop guards
* Spent 20s hovering in place
* forgot to check its in Sport mode
* at turning point continued out towards the sea
* If wind was problem he could have lowered the drone when at sea under the treeline

But then watch it again:
He claims the drone is drifting like hell due to strong wind pushing him away from the beach out to sea and he can't make it back.
At 11:55 the drone still can't fight the wind, but at 12:05 in the same position it all of a sudden can! It flies a straight line towards the beach at full 4m/s in N mode. The drone was 20m lower than before but still at 50m and way above tree line - not much diff in wind speed between 50 and 70m .
At 12:28 it gets slower again, then faster. At 12:30 with 0% battery left he is nervous enough to even fly away from homepoint again. Adds huge drama - unless you know that Neo has a _very_ conservative battery gauge and has over a minute of flight time left when hitting 0%.

And look at the sea state. There is _no_ wind to speak of. The wave pattern visible from 12:30 and around 13:09 shows a 2-4kn wind mostly parallel to the beach, at most it is slightly pushing onto the beach.

Looks like some scripted drama in an attempt to go viral.
For one, he spent way too much time over water. Not much chance of recovery if it goes in the drink. Not really a fan of these endurance type videos. Would much rather watch real world usage and how users incorporate different shots into a video.

You got it. Not a big fan either, but if you're gonna do it...

Yes, do it along a shoreline if that's available, but stay 50-100' height to minimize wind, head upwind for the outbound leg, and hug the shoreline no more than 100ft or so offshore.

So that when the battery runs out and force-lands, it's a piece of cake to set it down safely where you can retrieve it.

That way you don't have to keep investigating in undergarments 😁

Ironically, it was his bone headed height that saved him.
Nothing is more absurd, than doing range test on photo drones, which normally used close to the operators. But, there are many low IQ youtubers, who want to generate viewers and likes. This is just simply retard. The whole range test mania started with the phantom series and went high when the spark and the mini 1 was available for more people.

I never joined the club, but back when the Mavic Pro came out, there was this one guy in the SF Bay Area (US) that took it to impressive limits, stacking batteries on the drone, a directional antenna on the RC and I think an amplifier too, got out to something like 40,000ft without disconnection before having to come back.

I never joined the club, but back when the Mavic Pro came out, there was this one guy in the SF Bay Area (US) that took it to impressive limits, stacking batteries on the drone, a directional antenna on the RC and I think an amplifier too, got out to something like 40,000ft without disconnection before having to come back.

For me, it's just who has the longest dck contest, brings nothing. I saw a guy, somewhere in south america, put yagi antenna on a wifi range extender and flew a tello 2,5 kms in one direction. Why is it good? Impressive, but completely useless.
A great example of pure stupidity!
First of all, I will never condone "range tests" for any reason.
Secondly, DJI does not have a "fly more combo" for the NEO, despite what the guy in the video states.
Thirdly, he broadcasts in the video his inability to see the drone.
So, that is why I said it is a great example of stupidity.
Secondly, DJI does not have a "fly more combo" for the NEO, despite what the guy in the video states.
This video appears to be shot in Canada near Toronto. In Canada and other countries outside the US, the FMC is available on DJIs website and many other retailers.

a great example of how not to fly a Neo ,unless you have a fleet of them, so you can keep bringing out another one ,each time you loose one
there is a flymore combo,with the N3 RC available in the UK, and i suspect many other countries as well
Yes it does - I bought one
Not in the U.S. maybe. I have the combo. Drone, 3 batteries, the charging hub and a controller. You can buy a single drone for 199€ and the fly more combo for 349€.
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Not in the U.S. maybe. I have the combo. Drone, 3 batteries, the charging hub and a controller. You can buy a single drone for 199€ and the fly more combo for 349€.
No, not in the US, but lots of other countries do. Think the video is in Canada
These guys sacrificed their drones just to show us, how far away they fly and how to film fish. 😂

Those guys must have more money than they know what to do with. I don’t understand the point of doing range tests and risking your drone. Maybe it’s the only way they get hits on their channel.

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