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Recent content by Erk1024

  1. Erk1024

    360 Panorama

    There's got to be a 360 viewer someplace. Could even load it up on a Quest 3 or another VR headset.
  2. Erk1024

    Wow, DJI called me!

    On my DJI Care replacement of my crashed Avata2 they also called me. Once before I sent it to make sure the serial numbers on the aircraft and the battery agreed. Then once I received the replacement, they called me again to see if there was anything wrong or missing from the transaction. I told...
  3. Erk1024

    My local dunes on a better day, that's the Irish sea.

    Awesome video! Thanks for sharing! Good use of the Neo.
  4. Erk1024

    Neo flyaway into a lake

    @Pablodrone In any case, I'm sorry you lost your drone. That sucks. I think we're finding that NEO's and water don't mix.
  5. Erk1024

    N3 goggles in stock

    Looks like mine got shipped as well. No ETA yet.
  6. Erk1024

    N3 goggles in stock

    There are manufacturing or shipping delays? On my N3 Goggles order, the warehouse was supposed to ship on 11/24. Here we are on 12/1 and hasn't shipped yet. Just FYI...
  7. Erk1024

    Neo in the snow

    I agree. The NEO, cute as it is, doesn't have as many sensors to rely on for the usual camera drone controls. A white patch of white snow is probably pretty hard for the downward sensors to figure out.
  8. Erk1024

    Neo newbie

    Welcome from Pompano Beach, Florida. Congrats on getting a new drone!
  9. Erk1024

    Almost crashed/lost my NEO today

    They DO warn not to fly the NEO over water. Maybe it's not designed to hover and do it's autonomous functions over water.
  10. Erk1024

    N3 goggles in stock

    Thanks for the head's up! ORDERED!
  11. Erk1024

    Carry case for Neo

    I hope the goggles fit in the cutout. Let us know when you try it out.
  12. Erk1024

    Carry case for Neo

    Let us know what you end up with. I like to keep all the bits in the same case/bag so I don't lose them. I was hoping someone would come out with one that can accomodate the N3 goggles and the charger and everything else.
  13. Erk1024

    Almost had to use my DJI Care last night

    I finally had a chance to take it outside to do some flying. The wind was about 15mph. I was using the Goggles3 and MC. I was flying close to the ground, but then I popped up over the trees, and the NEO just basically stopped making any forward progress because of the wind. It also struggled to...
  14. Erk1024

    Almost had to use my DJI Care last night

    I think what happens is that the Center of Gravity is above the propellers. So if you bump into a wall (let's say sideways) then the drone actually rolls TOWARDS the wall, pushing it harder into the wall. When the angle gets too steep, the motors cut out.
  15. Erk1024

    What's it like to fly with Motion controller?

    Congrats! I think you have to call that a successful first flight. :)