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On the way...


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2024
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Hoping the estimate is wrong and it actually gets to the store today or tomorrow for pickup :p

In the meantime updating the RC3/MC3/G3 firmware so that's already sorted in advance
I hope to receive mine sometime in the next day or so.
Both Amazon and DJI are quoting me an Oct 6 date...

Me too.

Hoping the estimate is wrong and it actually gets to the store today or tomorrow for pickup :p

View attachment 791
In the meantime updating the RC3/MC3/G3 firmware so that's already sorted in advance

Is that a retailer in Quebec? Just curious. IIRC you're near the US/Canada border, not in France.

If it comes with some complimentary good fromage, I'm canceling Amazon 😁😁
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There, finally. It got its first lawn mowing lesson too


Only had about 45 mins to play with it so far, but tested a bit of everything except the MC.
Really cool little thing for the size and price but definitely has its limitations, it's not gonna replace an avata 2.

Main limitation IMO is the camera. The "4K" is really low quality, barely better than upscaled 1080, the recorded 1080 isn't even that great. FOV's fixed. When flying with the goggles there's only one angle unlike with the bigger brothers, you just have the choice of 16/9 and 4/3. The default 16/9 is a bit too narrow for comfortable manual FPV IMO, haven't tried 4/3 yet but noticed when you switch to it you lose the stabilization on the recorded footage. Oh and you'll be recording 1080 because you wouldn't want to have 30fps live view. In 4/3 that's 1440x1080.
Photos are actually quite good,

Everything works as I'd expect, Normal/Sport are pretty slow, especially considering that in manual it can actually rip quite nicely. Speed in phone control is really slow but works fine. Slightly annoying you can only use the mobile device in portrait mode. Controllerless operation works fine too, quite fun.

Looks like a neat entry level option to try everything, and to just throw in the bag. I think as expected I'll mostly fly it FPV/manual where I typically don't care about the recorded footage but just want to enjoy the live view, that is great as usual. For the rest... maybe occasionally photos but basically every other aircraft I have is better.
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, finally. It got its first lawn mowing lesson too


Sorry. But that's one statement I haven't read yet.

If I purchase a NEO, I'm sure I'll be doing some yard work as well.

Trees, plants, grass...

Thanks for the feedback. :)

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Actually hit a tree branch at some point, could recover but it whacked the sensors enough to make it super unstable afterwards, wouldn't even fly right in normal mode after landing/taking off again without a reboot, so best to power cycle it after an impact/crash.
I'd say not bad for U$199, and all the functionality this little baby has to cover. Add to that rushed out the door, a lot of these little irritations will have the rough edges smoothed off.

Still, we all gotta keep in mind what's been shoved into this little guy at a tello price. Don't even have it yet, but based on early reviews like @Kilrah's, I'm sure I'm gonna have fun with it, AFTER OCTOBER 10TH, dang it!! 🤬🤬

I have my pre-order in already for the Pro 🤣🤣
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A quad frame... doubt I'll build it out but it was a good test to see how a complex part would come out in ABS... perfect as usual.


Only got that X1C about 2 weeks ago so I'm still trying stuff out to see what I can expect
That was definitely some precise flying! Did it shut off automatically the first time you landed on the shelf?

That frame came out really nice. The X1C seems like a great printer.
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Did it shut off automatically the first time you landed on the shelf?
I disabled smart landing via parameter edits, wouldn't have been possible otherwise (passing under the chair either, it didn't let me go under the bar, which is why I had to go through the narrower gap initially 🤣 ) so then it's just hold throttle down.
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I was surprised by some of the gaps you were able to fit through. Even if you had to bounce your way through some. ;)
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You need to start a Neo tuning thread. Yeah, no pids, but I'd like to make the same changes you did.

And shooting that narrow gap on the chair was awesome.

And a great video showing that FPV is a lot more than acro and racing gates...
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