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My local dunes on a better day, that's the Irish sea.


Jan 6, 2025
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I'm not here promoting my channel, its just a hobby for an old frt like me.
This is like total chill on a 20 mile long sand dune beach, actually one of England's longest.

The Neo copes OK with sand.
This was just after I bought it and I was blown away by its ability to navigate the forest

The follow through the trees is remarkable for a drone with NO obstacle avoidance. If you watch carefully, you can see it is tracing the subject path rather than a more normal Active Track where the flight path can vary a great deal, going over branches the subject goes under, around the other side of trees, etc.

The Neo handles "obstacle avoidance" by carefully flying the same path the subject does. It's quite an advancement.
Yes, it works very well, but only at slower speeds, if I speed up a bit it slams into every tree I pass, but survives
undamaged, its just perfect.

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It was faultless in the first vid, but that ebmx is going faster than it looks and those crashes were actually the only ones in two hours of skimming trees.
I'm not here promoting my channel, its just a hobby for an old frt like me.
This is like total chill on a 20 mile long sand dune beach, actually one of England's longest.

The Neo copes OK with sand.
This was just after I bought it and I was blown away by its ability to navigate the forest

Impressive “follow me” video!!
Nicely done! Beautiful area to fly in.

Would definitely hand catch the Neo in a sandy environment. Even with an average sized landing pad the prop backwash close to ground might kick up enough dust to "dust" the motors. Ricochet off of couple obstructions sending Neo#1 skidding upside down on a gravel driveway. No top prop guards resulted in shearing off a couple propeller blades. Also, might have "dusted" one motor. Cleaned it off with some compressed air and need to hit the bearings/bushing with a drop of CorrisionX. Still flying, but there is now definitely a different sound in that motor. Guessing the days are limited before it fails. Not the first motor I've trashed in a quad from dirt contamination. Issues with missing the landing pad until I discovered DJI stabilization. Still cannot hit the pad in manual mode unless by pure chance. So easy to switch to N/S mode to land. I don't even try landing in M mode anymore. YES, a DJI crutch to you "real" fliers.
Would definitely hand catch the Neo in a sandy environment. Even with an average sized landing pad the prop backwash close to ground might kick up enough dust to "dust" the motors. Ricochet off of couple obstructions sending Neo#1 skidding upside down on a gravel driveway. No top prop guards resulted in shearing off a couple propeller blades. Also, might have "dusted" one motor. Cleaned it off with some compressed air and need to hit the bearings/bushing with a drop of CorrisionX. Still flying, but there is now definitely a different sound in that motor. Guessing the days are limited before it fails. Not the first motor I've trashed in a quad from dirt contamination. Issues with missing the landing pad until I discovered DJI stabilization. Still cannot hit the pad in manual mode unless by pure chance. So easy to switch to N/S mode to land. I don't even try landing in M mode anymore. YES, a DJI crutch to you "real" fliers.
Yes, I've had several sand blocking the motors episodes, I just turn them manually until the crunching stops and blow the residue away.
it doesn't feel like its doing major damage, sand is very fine there.
Indoors Neo session today. Neo#1, the one with a wonky motor seems to be less noisy. Finger spin, blow on it spin. Just as smooth and quiet as the other 3. Only at motor start up do I hear a difference. Nothing when hovering a couple feet away from me. Guessing again. CorrisionX(CX) treatment might have penetrated deeper into the bearing/bushing. CX supposedly forms a bond with metal. Might be why a minimal treatment (less is better) seems to last for a long time.

Some people note that CX will attract dirt. Others claim the opposite. JMHO, if applied lightly and allowed to sit a day or so it doesn't seem to pick up dust or dirt. I use to use it to waterproof FC, ESC, battery connection.... Manufactures claim it's a conformal cleaner, lubricates, and waterproofs. Original small spray can is over a decade old. Lifetime supply for UAS use.

CX, an option for you if your motors start sounding crunchy.
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Another option is to put some 99% isopropyl in a squirt bottle and irrigate with that. No residue.

Another thing I'd try, but up to y'all, is Stoner Invisible Glass. Best glass cleaner, no residue left behind. Good solvent for just the stuff you want to dissolve, and not the stuff you don't in this sort of application.
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Awesome video! Thanks for sharing! Good use of the Neo.
Awesome video and great flying!
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