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Sep 22, 2024
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Does anyone know why DJI decided not to launch the Neo in USA at the same time as the other territories? It’s been almost a whole month since I placed my pre-order..still waiting! 😤
No, to my knowledge and searching, no one does.

Some us speculate it was because of a manufacturing shortage of some sort, the US is the biggest market, they were able to fill estimated orders in the rest of the world.

So they made the (right) decision to delay one cohesive market rather than have some mishmash of deliveries worldwide where everyone was playing roulette with when their delivery would happen.

DJI drones are like Crack. Once you order, you're jonesin' until it arrives.
Probably because they don't like us. After all, congress wants to outlaw them! 🤯

May be they had trouble loading up all the spyware needed for spying and reporting back to the Chinese government photos of our top secret facilities, like all the pot shops springing up across the US?

Ooh, maybe it's just vengeance over the proposed outlawing of TikTok?

Or maybe it's just a logistics problem trying to get the product shipped in a timely fashion. 😉
Or maybe it's just a logistics problem trying to get the product shipped in a timely fashion. 😉
I think this one we can rule out. They even added logistics complexities by creating a special FMC without RC just for the US.
Probably due to all the bureaucracy
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Some companies do that, just like when Honda released the 2023 125 Trail bike to Canada weeks before USA .
I read a few days ago that it was Customs dept.that was the holdup and DJI had planned on that. Can't remember where I read this or how reliable it is.
I'm going to hold on my NEO purchase until the situation is sorted, not just on the first quantities but also on the available packages.

In the meantime, I heard there was a shortage on NEO batteries and with so many in the US and around the world buying 1 drone/1 battery (that's insane), I thought the same so awhile back, I ordered 4 NEO batteries that I know I can use one day. They still haven't shipped so it looks like nothing is getting into the States until next week or later.
Does anyone know why DJI decided not to launch the Neo in USA at the same time as the other territories? It’s been almost a whole month since I placed my pre-order..still waiting! 😤
I am getting my order part by part! Then they called to see if I got the 1st shipment. I said yes but without the bird how is this going to work??? o_O
In the meantime, I heard there was a shortage on NEO batteries and with so many in the US and around the world buying 1 drone/1 battery (that's insane), I thought the same so awhile back, I ordered 4 NEO batteries that I know I can use one day. They still haven't shipped so it looks like nothing is getting into the States until next week or later.
I'm glad I preordered the combo pack now with the battery storages.
Does anyone know why DJI decided not to launch the Neo in USA at the same time as the other territories? It’s been almost a whole month since I placed my pre-order..still waiting! 😤
Said back ordered - But now on the way!! :cool: Yes in USA
Mine just “departed DHL Cincinnati hub” and that is 45 miles from here. Probably another day or two of “logistics” to get here, the last few miles is always the slowest part of the shipment. Had to edit this post, my drone is “out for delivery”. 😁
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Mine just “departed DHL Cincinnati hub” and that is 45 miles from here. Probably another day or two of “logistics” to get here, the last few miles is always the slowest part of the shipment. Had to edit this post, my drone is “out for delivery”. 😁

Check the internal storage when you get it. There should be at least one dronie of Graceland.

Hey, these things just arrived in the US... there's that initial period of FedEx and UPS drivers playing with them and reboxing... takes a little time 😉
My DHL delivery was scheduled for today but is currently "On Hold." :mad:

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