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Recent content by rab-it

  1. R

    removing flight distance restriction

    When using phone with manual control mode Neo can fly 50m from takeoff point - as long as its within wifi range. Wifi range of Neo is also fairly poor so removing this doesn't really make much sense unless you are using a wifi extender to boost the signal.
  2. R

    Don't do this!!!

    This video is the most successful video on his channel with 150k views in a month. I am sure it already paid for a lost drone or two. Scripted drama appears to be the main building block of mediocre YT careers.
  3. R

    DJIControlServer and Mobile SDK support ?

    DJI has closed their STEAM / EDU deparment, Tello and Robomaster are slowly vanishing. So I don't think we will ever see any simple SDK similar to what Tello has.
  4. R

    Tested to destruction (and still worked)

    accidents happen 😇
  5. R

    DJI Neo - USA

    I think this one we can rule out. They even added logistics complexities by creating a special FMC without RC just for the US.
  6. R

    Theft protection?

    Manual says it needs to be connected to the app every X days (60? can't remember) to use it in palm launch mode. I guess this is mostly to update the no fly zones but as a side effect it will be some kind of theft protection
  7. R

    Don't do this!!!

    At first sight it looks like a dramatic fail that had a happy ending. He * Started at 95% * kept prop guards * Spent 20s hovering in place * forgot to check its in Sport mode * at turning point continued out towards the sea * If wind was problem he could have lowered the drone when at sea under...
  8. R

    Is Pitch a Problem ?

    I hope that re-designed props will make a difference, but with with room limited by the air funnel I don't think there is much they can do. Also I expect a good chunk of the noise is the motors / ESC.
  9. R

    Drone Supply in Denver

    Many happy customers post in several FB groups. One guy even bought a second Neo for his wife at Drone Supply. Cute. Scam
  10. R

    Neo Noise

    Folding is one feature, but currently X1 also has a better tracking algo, is faster during follow, and has more mature software. Neo is still a bit rough and unfinished. Neo will surely get better over time but right now Neo's directional track can't compete with X1's Dollytrack YT videos...
  11. R

    Landscape orientation on phone?

    tjhe one that came with the FMC. RC-N3 that is I think?
  12. R

    Landscape orientation on phone?

    changed ISO and EV to minimum while connected to RC. The video feed was extremely dark now. Turned off RC, re-connected using wifi and the video was back to normal. Turned on RC, reconnected and video was back to dark. So the seems to use separate profiles.
  13. R

    China Week DJI ban

    Fair!. Lets rephrase: Very few people in china care about your panties. The military surveilance agent that this legislation targets is not interested in your panties. At least not from a professional point of view. 😅
  14. R

    Neo Noise

    Have you thought about the original X1? I expect it to come down into similar price region as soon as the X1 pro arrives. I don't like their marketing & pricing tricks, but overall the device is reliable and the dev team seem to be focussed on enhancing user experience - where I feel DJI is...
  15. R

    China Week DJI ban

    Nobody in china cares about your panties. Drones can be used as a portable wifi scanner and sniffer, allowing poeple to gather sensitive info. Just like phones - but phones are easily banned from sensitive facilities. Drones can fly over sensitive facilities, or nearby without being noticed.